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Corporate HSSE Management System


As a leading international geophysical contractor and a core member of International Association of Geophysical Contractor (IAGC), BGP has established its HSSE management system in line with IOGP standards as well as the best industry practices. The system is updated annually to align with the latest industrial developments while facilitating operational needs in order to meet the requirements of local and national governments and our clients.

The HSSE Management System comprises seven elements:

• Leadership and commitment

• Policies and objectives Organization, responsibilities and resources

• Risk manageme

• Planning and procedures

• Implementation and monitorin

• Audit and review

The system defines the principles by which we conduct our operations worldwide in relevant aspects of health, safety, security and the environment. As always, all levels of BGP management is committed to HSSE through leading by example in their daily work, along with fulfilling their specific HSSE responsibilities.

BGP has always placed HSSE management at the highest priority to ensure health, safety and security of our customers, employees and contractors, and for the protection of the environment wherever we operate.

This system has been facilitating a safe and successful operation for BGP, enabling us to effectively interface with all the relevant parties, and to successfully address both external and internal HSSE issues.

We strongly believe that a good HSSE performance is key to our business success. Hence, we will continue to engage all leadership and employees to actively participate in the implementation of the system.

 Crew visit by President of BGP Crew audit by Vice President of BGP
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 First-aid training and practice HSE training
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