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BGP > QHSSE > HSSE Policies

BGP International acknowledges that employees have the right to work in a safe and healthy workplace. An employee may refuse to carry out a task under any one of the following circumstances:

• The assigned task contradicts with current BGP International HSE policies;

• The method of performing the task violates current BGP International work procedures;

• An employee is not trained or instructed of the work procedures prior to taking on the assigned task;

• The task may result in possible immediate injury or damage to property or environment even if current procedures are followed.

Employees have an obligation to first report a task that is deemed unsafe. Simply,

If you believe that a job cannot be done safely,
it shall not be started or continued.

Should an employee decide to exercise the right to refuse to work UNDER the above mentioned circumstances, the employee must first inform his/her supervisor immediately. Supervisor shall review the situation and address the safety concerns with timely corrective measures before starting or resuming a task.

There should be no retaliation to implementation of this policy; and implementation of this policy by any person should not endanger others.




Zhai Lixln
BGP International

1st March 2016


2016-10-26 16:54
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