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The goal of this policy is to ensure that a BGP International employee or its contractor who works alone is under appropriate duty of care, and this worker can always be contacted by another BGP International employee or contractor for the entire work-alone period.

Furthermore, all land and marine crews shall establish a lone worker procedure to implement this policy and to facilitate a safe and successful operation as follows:

• BGP International will minimize such lone working situation to the extent possible.

• BGP International will identify tasks, operations and activities where workers may work alone, along with an assessment of risks to be conducted and recorded prior to commencing such a task, operation or activity to ascertain that all recommended monitoring and communication devices as well as control measures are commensurate with the identified risks.

• A duty of care must be implemented to lone worker situation as described in the lone worker procedure and according to the risk assessment to ensure that all approved measures have been in place before a task, operation or activity can proceed.

• Lone working operation should always take place only after the worker has received appropriate briefing and training; and that the worker is competent to work alone safely.




Zhai Lixln
BGP International

1st March 2016


2016-10-26 16:58
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