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Health,Safety & Environment Policy

This policy is the foundation of BGP International's HSSE Management System that applies to all BGP International employees, contracted personnel and associates involved in BGP International operations, and it is consistent with that of BGP.

The protection of health, safety and environment has always been and will continue to be one of BGP International's highest priorities in its operation.

BGP International will set annual objectives and targets for continuous improvement in HSE performance to eliminating or minimizing the health, safety and environmental risks to the employees, contracted personnel and the citizens of the affected communities; implement safe practices to strive for an incident-free workplace leading to "ZERO" incident goal along with meeting all contractual, relevant regulatory and legislative requirements where we operate.

BGP International will provide proper facilities, plant and equipment and maintain them in a safe and secure condition. BGP International will also adopt and implement relevant industry accepted HSE practices; provide suitable professional and job-specific training for all employees and selected contractors; encourage openness and active participation in HSE matters; and promote HSE awareness through regular campaign and education programs.

Executive management and senior personnel are accountable for BGP International's HSE performance, while a well defined line management structure enables all employees to be responsible for fulfilling their duties.

Acceptable individual HSE performance is a key condition of continued employment with BGP International, while excellent performance is officially recognized and rewarded on regular basis.




Zhai Lixln
BGP International

1st March 2016


2016-10-26 16:42
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