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BGP Star Employees are awarded to Visit BGP Headquarters

BGP Star Employees are awarded to Visit BGP Headquarter

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BGP announced the annual award of “Star Employee” to one hundred and fifty three local workers for their extraordinary performances in BGP overseas business in 2010. Fifty of them have received the honor of “Five Star Employee”.

Ten representatives of the “Star Employee” were invited to visit BGP Headquarter in Zhuozhou, China. They are from Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan.

An award ceremony was held at BGP training center. Mr. Wang Tiejun, the President of BGP, presented the award and sincerely thanked them for their outstanding contributions to BGP.

Meanwhile, the group visited BGP Headquarter, BGP International, BGP GRI, and accepted company’s training. They also enjoy themselves in visiting Chinese historic sites, such as the Great Wall, the Ming Tombs, the China National Museum, the National Stadium, the National Aquatic Center, and watched performances at the National Grand Theater. The employees greatly appreciated this opportunity to visit China. “This trip has further enhanced our understanding of BGP and China. We will devote ourselves to BGP’s future.” one employee said.

The honor of “Star Employee” is awarded annually to those who made outstanding contributions to BGP overseas business. Their diligence, dedication, loyalty, and hard work are greatly appreciated and all BGP employees should learn from them.

2016-11-21 16:06
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